I'm absolutely going to watch the Royal Wedding tomorrow and if you say you're not, I won't believe you.

The wedding of the 'century' (just 11 years in to it) has been hyped to within an inch of it's life but I'm still excited. Grumble about the Royals all you like, they are still the closest embodiment we dreamers have to a real-life fairytale. Dear William is Prince Charming and Kate is Cinderella (with a lot more money and better schooling, but still), their relationship has already stood the test of time and they really do look very happy. It's romantic. We love romance.
Oh and we love the opportunity for a party. Any excuse right? Next Friday has become a huge excuse for a party, get digging out the tea set, the bunting and the gin and party like it's VE day all over again. I rather think that party girl Kate would say 'Hoorah' to all that. So get in the spirit, dress up and gather your friends round the tele. To her credit, noone quite does that classy, appropriately gorgeous formal dressing, quite like our Katie. So, for a little inspiration for your own outfit on Friday here are some of her key looks.
Don't forget your hat.

We'll do royal maternity next year (Jokes…I think…)
i will watch it too, if i have time :) don't know what's criminal about that haha))