Time just seems to be flying, which I'm putting down to life being rather lovely. I've just said goodbye to a surprise visitor who dropped by for a long weekend. A friend from crafting circles in Wellington who I spent an enjoyable few day sight seeing and generally just chilling and playing hooky with, mostly at the lovely beaches around Dunedin. Kate is an excellant cook and bright spark who's always up for a giggle so her visit was a breath of fresh air.
Below Kate is the blond in the middle, a seal that scared us half to death at the beach and finally a shot of the ocean, I still can't get over how blue it is here (in New Zealand).

As most shop owners will tell you we're in the quiet months now. The rush of Christmas is over and shoppers of being good and saving their pennies. This means my income is at a low. Most of my spare cash has been going into my studio do up (more about that in a minute) but being a girlie girl I like to treat myself to new outfits as often as I can. Lucky thanks to the January sales and great op shops (charity shops as we call them in the UK) I've managed to score a new pair of trousers and retro dress for just over $20nz... not too much.
Below pattered MC hammer trousers and a retro pussy cat bow blue pattered dress.

Finally I spent the week before last hinden in my studio painting what I am currently calling the 'Weapons Wall'. It's the frist piece of work I have just done for myself in ages. I'm not a 100% sure what the idea is behind it. I just wanted to paint something territorial, I think because I'm renting a shared space. Anyway just as I finished doing up the shared studio a private office in the same building became available. After sleeping on it I know I had to take the new space. It breaks my heart that the 4 weeks hard graft I (we) put into the first space was pretty much wasted time but the new space is perfect so I'm sucking it up and moving on.

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