"On the back of a carton coaster, in the blue TV screen light, I drew a map of Canada. Oh Canada. With your face sketched on it twice."

I’ve had this Joni Mitchell song stuck in my head for the past nine days, it’s driving me mad. I guess I should start off with an apology to anyone who thought I was dead. I’m not I just haven’t had any wifi for the past week. I’ve been with my family on Vancouver Island and I’ve had the loveliest time. I’m really shocked at how much I like Canada. It’s beautiful without question but mostly I’ve just met so many good, kind, welcoming and interesting people since I’ve been here. The family I’ve just been with are unbelievable, I have never felt so loved by people who hardly know me. I hope we will stay in touch. I’m already planning my trip back and wishing my work visa was for Canada. I’m also shocked at how many generous strangers I’ve met on my travels so far. From Diana who let me have her headphones on the plane so I could watch “the proposal”, (which I’m ashamed to say I loved – not so cool now) to Ester, whom I’m sharing a room with now and has just bought me a cup of tea. I’m going to try to stay in touch with anyone who has been good enough to pass on their contact details. Each little conversations or act of kindness has made such a difference to me, I hope I’ve been making a difference to some of their days too.
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